SCS Foundation
SCS Foundation
The Committee of the Alfred Werner Fund approved nine scholarships for the period 2016-2018 to the following students:
Mr. Jean Behaghel de Bueren: EPFL Lausanne
BSc at Université de Louvain‐la-Neuve, Belgium
Ms. Zahra Pourmand Tehrani: EPFL Lausanne
BSc at Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Ms. Dora Harangozo: ETH Zurich
BSc at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osjek, Croatia
Ms. Viktoriia Morad: ETH Zurich
BSc at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Mr. Zlatko Jončev: University of Basel
BSc at University of Belgrade, Serbia
Mr. Heorhii Humeniuk: University of Geneva
BSc at National University Kiev, Ukraine
Mr. Benjamin Planterose, UK: University of Geneva
BSc at University of Seville, Spain
Mr. Haitham Kandeel: EPFL Lausanne (2016-2017)
BSc at The American University in Cairo, Egypt
In the name of the SCS Foundation Werner Fund, Edouard Godineau, Group Leader in Process Research Chemistry at Syngenta Crop Protection AG, organized the 2017 networking event and a visit of the Syngenta R&D site at Stein (AG) to stimulate the interaction between the students and the industrial partners of the program. 13 of the 15 Werner scholarship holders as well as Alain De Mesmaeker, Syngenta, Christoph Täscher, Lonza, Christian Chapuis, Firmenich and David Spichiger from the SCS followed the invitation and spent an exciting day in Stein.
After a short welcome and introduction speech by David Spichiger, Edouard Godineau presented Syngenta and led the group through the research site including visits of the bio center, the glass houses and the demonstration site for the seed treatment. In the afternoon the 6 students from the 2015-17 program presented their master thesis projects and answered questions to the audience.
We hope that we can continue this initiative of company visits next year and thank again very much to Edouard Godineau and Alain De Mesmaeker for hosting the 2017 event.